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AEW Rampage and Collision Air Times and Recent Highlights


Rampage, All Elite Wrestling's fast-paced and action-packed one-hour show, airs every Friday from 10-11 pm ET on TNT. The show features a mix of hard-hitting matches, high-flying aerial maneuvers, and captivating storylines.

Recent Highlights:

  • Sting and Darby Allin's thrilling return to Daily's Place in a captivating tag team match.


Collision, AEW's newest addition to their weekly programming lineup, airs every Saturday from 8-10 pm. The two-hour show showcases both established AEW stars and up-and-coming talent, offering a diverse array of matches and segments.

Recent Highlights:

  • An explosive encounter between Kenny Omega and Brodie Lee, showcasing the brutality and intensity of AEW's top stars.
  • The arrival of Mercedes MonĂ©, formerly known as Sasha Banks in WWE, marking a significant moment in AEW's history.
